Bridging Opportunities

Lyceum Ventures Ltd. is a leading consulting and investment firm with expertise in early-stage technology and the life sciences. We connect you with the opportunities between South Korea, Canada, and North America.


Who We Are

Lyceum Ventures Ltd. is a global consulting and investing firm built upon a solid foundation of established expertise. We specialize in multi-strategy consulting that is client-focused toward creating the best investment ideas tailored for each client’s objectives and requirements.

Our global team aligns your interests with our partners and investors for maximum results. Each partnership operates independently with a dedicated investment team, investors, pool of funds, and portfolio companies. Our goal is to maximize the potential for success and profitability.

What We Do

Lyceum Ventures builds partnerships with passionate entrepreneurs and management teams to build great businesses that aim to transform their industries. We search for founders operators who create new technologies or build upon the expanding capabilities of technology to develop new markets. We seek out and research new technologies and business models before they become established norms.

We understand early-stage investing and the steps necessary to identify key performance indicators (KPI). It’s what defines our vision and our culture: impact investing in transformative technologies and business models. We connect you to the people you didn’t know you needed and facilitate connections and relationships to help grow your business.

We are backed by leading global institutional investors and provide long-term, world-class returns by identifying and pursuing smart and disruptive investment opportunities.



Lyceum Ventures Ltd. focuses on investing in and building companies with the potential to become disruptive, technology Small & Medium Enterprises (SME) that are poised for exit or acquisition, as well as on mentoring emerging leaders to execute on logical business models and to carefully manage capital resources.

We take an active role and bring a team-oriented approach to our portfolio companies – providing operational assistance, transactional expertise, capital, network and overall judgment including M&A and IPO to maximize the potential for success and profitability. This includes having a seat on the board of directors where we assist management with recruiting, sales, growth strategies, general operations, business development, finance, and exit strategy.

We look for situations where there is a mutual interest in entering into a deep long-term partnership with management to jointly build successful and sustainable businesses.

Our goal is to engineer the success of our partners.


Lyceum Ventures’s mission and passion are to enable Korean entrepreneurs to build globally transformational technology companies.

We are backed by leading global institutional investors and provide long-term, world-class returns by identifying and pursuing attractive investment opportunities in Korea’s robust and vibrant tech sector.

Our focused investment arms each operate independently with a dedicated management team, investors and portfolio companies, with shared access to our value-added services and professionals.

We seek founders who create new technologies or build upon the expanding capabilities of technology to develop new markets, disruptive behaviours and solve challenging problems.

We have a deep understanding of how difficult it is to transform even the best ideas into successful enterprises.

Real Estate

Commercial investments occur where an investor commits money or capital to purchase, either entirely or a percentage of, a for-profit property or business. Examples of commercial investments include different types of real estate properties, such as apartment complexes, hotels, office buildings or industrial complexes. The Lyceum Ventures Ltd. team is in the business to equip our clients with the essentials to succeed in commercial property acquisition.

We create opportunities to:

  • Research critical information
  • Connect with the key people
  • Make the deals that support your success

Our commercial team delivers accurate and trusted information to our clients about properties throughout the U.S. and Canada.

Lyceum Venture Ltd. has created close partnerships with our team of developers across Canada. We take pride in the exceptional standards of design and ingenuity evident in each project, and in the timeless quality that shines through every detail. Our vision continues with tomorrow’s real estate developments on the planning table today. We constantly seek promising new acquisition and joint venture opportunities. Our dedicated team is committed to building quality products, efficiently manage financial resources, and maximize investment value.

Lyceum Ventures Ltd. oversees all activities, including:

  • Acquisition
  • Finance
  • Development
  • Construction
  • Property management.

Lyceum Ventures Ltd provides investors with an opportunity to participate in a higher-return and a lower-risk proposition, something no other fund could match.

The Team

We have specialized expertise and skillsets from experiences in numerous industries that include, angel investing, corporate finance, taxes, marketing, real estate, sciences, and technology. Our team and our combined network are dedicated to delivering focused value to you.

James Suk

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Technologist, Early Stage Capital & Angel Investor

25+ years in the technology industry, health sciences, gaming and e-sports

Phil Hwang

Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)

Marketing & Communication Specialist

15+ years of real estate expertise with specializing in marketing and public relations.

Sang-Do Han

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Real Estate & Accounting Specialist

15+ years in real estate sales with financial experiences in corporate finance management.

Contact Us

1080 Mainland St, Suite 322
Vancouver BC
V6B 2T4